Athens, 03:18 h

Meeting Point for Creative Education


… to educommart!


On these pages we would like to introduce you to our non-profit educational institution educommart.

Here you will find information about our European projects and our cooperations, a selection of project activities, documentation of our results and pictures, an overview of our goals, events, workshops in schools and social institutions with pupils and citizens of Greece, references to useful links and much more.

Read more about us and our categories



The game „Familytime“

for our Europarents 2020 project is here!

→ To the free order


Our new game
"SIMBOLO" is here!

Simbolo is a game to promote democracy in the family and a product of our Erasmus+ project "Promoting democracy education in everyday family life (FED)" and is available in German, Greek, Spanish, English, Bulgarian and Norwegian.
A few last copies can still be ordered free of charge → here!


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